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Posted on: April 14 2017

Aluminum chloride mixed with cream based on Lanette N breaks.

R/Aluminium chloride 20g; Lanette N 20g; Liquid paraffin 2, 50g; Aqua Purificata AD 100g Lanette N and paraffin are warmed together and water in other cup warmed up. Slightly warmer water phase at melted fat phase done. After cool aluminum chloride is rubbed underneath. I had the impression that the cream was not stable before rubbing.


You are dealing with an incompatibility between all 3 + and cetylstearyl sulfate which causes the O/W emulsifier to lose its effect.

I would switch to the following composition: Cetomacrogol 6 G; Cetostearylalchol (or cetyl alcohol) 24 g, liquid paraffin 2.5 g   and water up to 100 g

According to the Merck Index,   1 g AlCl3 6aq (which is available) is soluble in 0.9 ml of water.  

So we will put 25 ml of the freshly boiled water, which should be added to the melted   fat phase, for solving AlCl3. This solution is added to the cooled cream under stirring.

An alternative to AlCl3 is already (OH) CL2, which is used for the same purpose, and is much less acidic. Can be purchased.   Reimbursed by RIZIV???