To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Dexamethasone 0.1% Monofree (eye drops) is not available for all time. As a speciality not actually on the Belgian market. Can this magijet be prepared without any preservative?

How long is the shelf life? Another corticoid eye drop is also good but also without preservatives.


With dexamethasone we can make two types of Collyria:
  1. A suspension, difficult to make in the Officina due to sterility
  2. a solution using dexamethasone after phosphate
I suspect that the second possibility is preferable. In The national formulary, eye drops are described with Prednisolone postphosphate, which can be used as an example.

you need to remove only benzalkonium chloride from the composition!

the shelf life of eye drops without preservatives is shorter than normal. I would say eight to a maximum of fourteen days. I would also recommend storing them in the fridge.