To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How can we best prepare the toothpaste formula to get a solid consistency? Veegum 5g sorbitol OPL 70% 10g chlorhexidine. Gluco. OPL 20% 0.5 g Ca-carbonate 5g

After fluoride 100mg
Na-Laurylsulf 300mg
Lemon oil 2 drupp
Aqua ad 100g < BR/> With us, the result is too liquid.


There are several ways to solve your problem. The most simple is to increase the concentration of livestock gum. Please note that the use of hot water is beneficial to obtain a good swelling. The same applies to treatment with a mixer preferably in the absence of nalauryl sulfate! I suspect that +/-10g will give better results. You could also add 5g Collo ï daal SiO 2 (Aerosil). Also, we find in some toothpaste & #039; s mucous compounds like xanthan gum and other back. To you the choice!

but in your composition a major incompatibility is to know this between Ca 2 + and F -. Indeed there will be a minimal amount of Ca ions occurring in the aqueous solution and these can react on the one hand with lauryl sulfate (-) and F (-). There are two solutions to this problem. We may consider adding 1% after 2 EDTA in order to complexate the Ca ions either to consider replacing CACO 3 with silicon dioxide praecipitatum. In the Commerci ë le fluoride containing toothpaste & #039; s, an organic fluoride-containing compound is used, on which the Officina pharmacist can unfortunately not dispose of it.