To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Tetracycline laurylsulfate 1.5 g, Carbonex 50 g.

A phone call to the doctor asking what he meant with Carbonex did not bring more clarity. When asked at the Pati ë NT, it turns out to be a nasal ointment used for small sores in the nose. Can I use a Carbopolgel 2% here or is it previously recommended to have a fatty ointment base eg. Unguentum Oculare to use? Should we fear the use of this fatty ointment for the action of the vibrating hairs of the nasal mucosa?


I suspect it is carbowax, and so PEG ointment PB V. Carbowax is a base, which is quite used for disinfectant ointments. I am unable to find data on the compatibility of Carbowax with the nasal mucosa. If the ointment is applied to the front of the nose, where such infections are usually localised, I see no problem.