To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

We are experiencing problems to get Econazol nitrate processed in the Carbopol gel.

Econazol nitrate is insoluble in water and very little opl in organic solvents. Small particles remain visible.


There are three possibilities:
  1. beginning to use instead of glycerin to rub use Tween 80. If the final result is good, problem solved just hole you to 2 and 3
  2. you try to grind the econazol nitrate finely with a small electric coffee grinder with knives. There is a slight disadvantage and this is a possible loss of powder.
  3. Econazol nitrate is soluble in methanol. Here too there is a problem. You should be able to dispose of colourless methanol. The current methanol is blue or rose coloured and after evaporating the methanol, your econazole nitrate would be stained. Not desirable;
If you can obtain the colourless lab quality then dissolve the Econazole nitrate in a small volume of methanol and pour out the solution, under good blending, on a ten G lactose powder. You must evaporate the methanol completely. You can then mix this mixture with your clobetasolbutyrate dilution and gradually mix it with Carbopolgel.