To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: April 17 2013

We have a prescription to make slimming nozzles, one of the raw materials is activated Simethicone: 20 mg

But Simethicone is an emulsion, can this be processed in capsules?


Given the emulsion is an O/W emulsion You run the danger of reaction of water with the Gelulewand. You could convert to pure silicone oil and process this amount in the powder. If this is a tradeable quantity then the oil could be mixed with the powder mass. But I fear that this too will be a difficult task. Mixing after dissolving in a volatile solvent may be possible by using chloroform, possibly ether to dissolve the silicone oil and mix the solution under the powder.  

Eventually, given the relatively small amount, it can still fly when the Simethicone emulsion is brought under the powder mixture. Most of the water present can be absorbed to the powders and therefore the reaction with the gelulewand may be minimal. This should be tested by following the evolution of the gelules during the retention period.