Naar Receptuur helpdesk


Gepost op: 6 maart 2013

Elektrostatische oplading van diosmine.

De verweking van diosmine en hesperidine is bijna onmogelijk goed uit te voeren. De verdeling is ronduit slecht door de elektrostatische lading. Aerosil en Magnesium stearaat hebben zeer weinig invloed. Ook de keuze van het mengmateriaal (porcelein,melamine) heeft weinig invloed.


  1. kwaliteit ABC lijkt beter als Fagron?
  2. voeg coll Al-hydroxide ipv van Aerosil, zelfde concentratie
  3. lees hoe de Amerikaanse collega's het probleem oplossen:
    Mettler-Toledo sells a device that looks like a goalpost. It is powered and is claimed to remove static. We tried one a few years ago and thought it was the "bees knees" (that's a phrase my mom used and it seems well suited here). The current advertising shows a container with blue powder, much of which is clinging to the upper part. The container is passed through the goalposts and the clinging powder falls. That's what we witnessed when we saw a demonstration of few years back. The device costs about 1,000 US dollars. If it works the way it is supposed to, the cost is well worth it. We ordered one from VWR. If it's a bust they'll get it back. Is anyone else using this kind of anti-static device? Mettler-Toledo offers the following advice to reduce electrostatic charges when weighing: - Ensure humidity >45% to 50% (very difficult for us) - Use anti-static weighing containers (metal is better than glass, and glass is better than plastic) - Avoid rubbing containers and utensils - Use their ionizer (anti-static device).