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Posted on: November 12 2018

Suppositoria with 6 mg budenofalk


Budesonide suppositories 6 mg-Budesonide 120 mg (40 capsules Budenofalk® 3 mg)-Adeps solidus (Witepsol, Novata or other mass) Z. A. N. Presuppositories of 2 G DT 20 suppositories Budesonide 6 mg/suppository

Preparation example of suppositories-the contents of the Capsules Budenofalk® 3 mg finely grind in a mortar.-Gradually rub the finely ground powder with melted suppository mass-the suppositories under stirring pour at the cremestolpunt. Label indication:-keep In the refrigerator; Keep at room temperature 3 hours before administration.

Note If the fining of the contents of the capsules Budenofalk does not run well with pestle and mortar, use electric coffee grinder. Sieve it finely made. Some on the sieve rear bllijft are again finely made and sieved again. Scrats of coating are rejected