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Posted on: August 1 2018

Can "Flaminal Hydro" erythromycin be added?

In Flaminal Hydro Processes, is erythromycin complexed by the alginate with loss of activity? What about the pH? Erythromycin requires alkaline environment. pH Flaminal Hydro?


You ask me questions that I cannot answer with certainty. If I have the composition of Flaminal hydro overflow

Samenstellin G/Contents Sodium Alginate, calcium alginate, alginic acid, Macrogol 300/1500, hydroxypropylcellulose, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase, Guaiacol, Aqua.

I suspect an interaction with erythromycin with alginic acid and maybe with alginate.  

The pH of Flaminal you need to ask the manufacturer.  

But me the combination does not seem ideal. Another antibacterial substance instead of erythromycin is likely to be preferable.