To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Cool ointment unstable by liquor Carbonis detergent.

You can tell us how we work best to get the next preparation stable so that we can maintain a maximum effect of the cooling ointment:
R/0.1% betamethasone
10% liquor carbonis detergent
2% urea
in Coldcream
Our experience: the cold cream always breaks from more than 5% LCD; Also when adding hypromellose to 400mg/100g


I recommend using the search function of the question box the problems with LCD (or liquor Carbonis detergent or saponin Coaltar-use all terms!) to look up.
use the method of adsorption on starch. I do not guarantee that it succeeds without adding Span or cetyl alcohol, given the great instability of cool ointment. Of course, the cooling effect is reduced for a lot.