To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Does anyone sometimes have a protocol/procedure/information for the preparation of a bladder instillation with silver nitrate?


The information on silver nitrate blaasinstillations is quite limited. A commonly used concentration is 1% Although 1 in 2000 is also found. There is also frequent attention to risk & #039; s, which may entail such instillation. For this reason also alternatives are mentioned such as Chlorhexidine and Povidonejew. In a concentration of 0.2%, the latter would achieve equally good results as 1% of silver nitrate. Another alternative is a colloidal silver compound such as Argyrol, Protargol or Collargol.

Dorvault writes the following: Les solutions de 1 et 5% servent and instillations contre la cystite bl é nnorragique Ces instillations sont moins douleureuses si l & #039; on ajoute à la solution un anesth é tique local (1%). On pourra employer par example le nitrate de procaine. Les hydrochlorures sont exclus!

DAC-NRF publishes (not specifically as bladder instillation!) a silver nitrate solution 0.5 and 1%. It is added to 100ml 0.5% solution 1.3 G KNO3 and to the 1% solution 1g.

a first reference to the method of preparation, which was found in the American literature, mentions the following modifications. 10g silver nitrate dissolving in 100ml sterile water for irrigation and then filtering by a sterile 0.22 µ m membrane filter. Absorb the filtrate in a sterile bottle and dilute with 900ml sterile water for irrigation up to 1l. All this in aseptic conditions.

the instillation fluid is always packaged in a glass bottle. Plastic does not restate silver nitrate. Even with the alkali present in glass, silver nitrate can react which causes a discoloration to a yellowish-brown float. This is certainly the case when the solution is autoclaved. Shelf life is limited. If no clear term is known, a use is recommended within 24 hours.

the DAC-NRF mentions for a 0.5 and 1% solution an analogue method of preparation with filtration by a membrane filter 0.22 µ m. Contact with metallic objects should be avoided! The use mine is set at 6 months after the first opening of the bottle. And the shelf life is according to DAC 1 year.