To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Elderly woman has ulcer on lower leg, and ankle, very painful.

Doctor would like ointment with the following ingredients: Xylocaine or similar, tetracycline (against Stafyl.), Ibuprofene (since IBU-tain gave temporary relief) and preferably also opaque. What do I suggest?
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Such an ulcer is a very difficult problem. In The US there is a lot of experience In this area. I have done searches; Reason why my answer has been waiting. Naturally, the physician determines the therapy to be followed. Although no doctor-specialist in wound care, I would like to propose the following:


  1. Use of hydrocolloid

    Such ulcerated wounds are usually treated with a hydrophilic compres. Is the link used Bu-tain also not so something like that? Now taking into account the medicines to add you should prefer HPMC. The Americans would add 0.024% misoprostol (Cytotec), 5% after phenytoin and 2% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine. HCl. If the wound is purulous and does not react well to metronidazole, they use 0.05% gentamycin (geomycin, injections).


  2. Cleansing of the wound

    The wound, for the application of the hydrocolloid, is cleaned with 0.5% Dakin solution and then rinsed with sterile water and dried before applying the gel.


  3. Improvement of blood supply

    In Most cases, there is also a problem with the supply of blood In this situation. Therefore it is recommended to place a circle on a four cm of the open wound with a transdermal ointment with 8% nifedipine. For this purpose, a base is used in the US, which is thus an improvement of the PLO basis. The simplest for you is to take PLO base, which is now available at Bassron.


  4. wrapping the wound

    One takes a piece of Saran film (= Vinylidene chloride, used in the kitchen for covering food) and cuts a circle from the foil the size of the open leg wound, which in this way remains uncovered. The Nifedipine ointment is covered with the Saran film, which is permeable. The open wound is covered with Xeroform (available in Belgium). On all of this, a few windings are twisted to fixate the whole.


Note: Dietary recommendations

Zinc: 25-80mg 1 x P/day, vitamin C 500-1000mg 1 x P/day, Magnesium 250mg 1 to 3 x P/day, and sufficient proteins in the food.

PS your hydrocolloid gel should be sterilized. A method of preparation is described In one of the 2 questions mentioned. I would withhold a certain volume of water and use sterile water, which is used as a solvent for all your medicines. Taking into account all the ingredients, the stability is 2 weeks when stored in the refrigerator.

I suggest to discuss my proposal with the doctor.