To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How do I prepare the next composition? Oestradiolbenzoaat 15mg Locoid lotio Liq Carb Deterg 15g lavandeloil 2dr Isopropanol 50 ° AD 100ml


I see two products, which can cause problems: Oestradiolbenzoaat and Liq. Carb. Deterg. I suspect that the alcohol level is insufficient to keep them in solution. This alcohol level could be increased to 70 ° but this will be the final limit.

In order to obtain an even more elegant lotion I would start by finding out what the result would be after adding 5 10g Tween 80 possibly. Taking into account the cost of certain products and presumpting that LCD poses the biggest problem, I would run this experiment in the absence of Oestradiolbenzoaat and Locoid Lotio.