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Posted on: March 6 2013

How do I prepare next suppositories, which include Cameron? Triamcinolone 5mg lidocaine 50mg Cameron 100mg VR 1 Suppo DT 20

We have let the Cameron swell in a little water in which the Lidoca ï ne HCl was also dissolved. On the other hand, we have rubbed the triamcinolone with a little unfused suppository mass. The remainder of the suppository mass was melted in the cast pan. Part of the melted mass was added to the mixture Collargol + lidoca ï ne + water. Subsequently, the mixture of Triamcinolone + suppository Mass was added to the remaining molten mass in the cast pan. To this mixture the mixture suppository Massa + Cameron + lidoca ï ne + water was added. Everything was mixed up to homogeneous. The result was not convincing. The suppositories had a gray color and did not seem homogeneous. Can it be better?
