To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How do you make this the best?

Miconazole nitrate 200 mg chloramphenicol 50 mg hydrocortisone Acet 100 mg boron acid 150 mg Borax 30 mg after chloride 70 mg POLYSORBAAT3 drops
water AD 10 g
for sterile ear duppels
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Comment: Of both medicines, only chloramphenicol is soluble and this is thanks to the boric acid. Hydrocortisone acetate and Miconazole nitrate should be suspended and then added per 10 g 50 mg HPMC 4M to the composition together with 10 mg Nacitraat (to improve the uproar ability, at point theorem by Apoth B. Bauche)

Preparation method: 100 mg of Nacitraat is dissolved in 100 ml of freshly cooked water (solution I). Miconazole nitrate, hydrocortisone acetate and 50 mg HPMC are covered dry sterilized at 150 °C for 1 hour. 62.5 mg chloramphenicol; 187.5 mg borax; 37.5 mg borax; 87.5 mg NaCl and 4 Dr. Polysorbate are dissolved under light heating in 10 ml of solution I. After dissolving, this solution is diluted using solution I to 12 ml. This solution is germ-free filtered by membrane filtration in a pre- Sterilized 15 ml vial (solution II). After sterilization and cooling, the powders are mixed with a pre-sterilized pestle in a small pre-sterilized mortar and then rubbed with about 5 g of the filtered solution II. This quantity is determined and noted by means of the method of Reroads. This portion of the suspension is transferred in a pre-sterilized dropper bottle. The remaining quantity (via the method of retract is added a total of 9.60 G solution II) is used to rinse the mortar carefully.