To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How much of the powder should I use per pouch to prepare 1 litre of isotonic solution? Sodium bicarbonate 35gr sodium borate 35gr sodium salicylate 5gr dt. Divide into sachets

For making 1 litre of isotonic liquid.

the liquid serves as nasal rinse. < br/>


Through a small calculation, the E-values are converted into quantities of NaCl (remember this no longer???).

NaHCO3 35 X 0.65 = 22.75
Borax 35 X 0.35 = 12.25
nasalicylate 5 X 0.36 = 1.8

sum = 36.8 g NaCl 36.8 g NaCl corresponds to 75 g mixture
9 NaCl corresponds to 18,342 g mixture.