To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How should the next preparation be made? Estradiol valerate 1% Hydrocortisone 0.5% Nystatin 15,000 IU/g neomycin 10,000 IU/g Beeler base 90g M.F.S.A. Ointment

For gynecological use < br/> After a few days, water was found to be secreting and the ointment was as hard as stone. Because of the incompatibility of Na lauryl sulfate with neomycin sulfate, should the image base be replaced by a non-ionogenic basis?


Indeed, you store nails with heads. The proposed replacement must be done! But there is more. The use sends to a sterile or at least a CR è me, which is microbiologically very pure. Therefore, I would say make the NI cr è me ex tempore with freshly cooked water. Mortar, pestle, tube (without cap!) and spatula can be sterilized in the autoclave, after wrapping it in parchment paper. The same applies to the ointment tube filling, but ask the seller once again. After autoclaving, all these things are dried in a hot air oven. Processing the drugs in the CR è Mebasis poses no extra-problems simply classic! We rinse the TUBEDOP with antiseptic solution and then let it dry quickly to the air. Once the CR è me ready we fill them in the sterilized ointment tube with the sterilized filling device.