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Posted on: March 6 2013

I would like to have received some advice on the following preparation: Betamethasone Dipropionate 30mg Salicylic acid 7g LCD 7g Cold cream Ad 100g

We have processed salicylic acid (90, so appropriate particle size) in cold cream and then gradually added the LCD. This did not succeed. In the technical Magijet formulary (APR. Deprez) We were advised to add 5% cetyl alcohol. This yielded somewhat improvement, but at stand, we obtained back phase secretion. Are there other solutions possible?


I suppose you know why this preparation does not succeed as such? There is contradiction of emulsifiers and in addition, the presence of alcohol is also detrimental to the stability of W/O emulsions! In This regulation we still have to deal with a very unstable W/O emulsion! That is why we will probably have to foresee drastic measures. But let us gradually tackle the matter to try to keep the cool ointment maximally cool!!

Therefore I suggest you:

  1. Tarreer A (plastics? = Light) mortar and write down the weight.
  2. rub in the TARRED mortar salicylic acid with LCD and add 14 g starch. Rub (possibly on the hot water bath) until the alcohol is completely evaporated.
  3. lightly heat the cool ointment and gradually bring it to the contents of the mortar to a total weight of 100 g (or 50 g as an experiment!)
  4. Check the stability! If not enough repeat the experiment but with cool ointment that contains 5% cetyl alcohol. If this succeeds, you can make the CR è me with Betamethasone!

Would you please let me know the result?

Dear professor,
Thanks for your advice. After some experiments it was found that 5% cetyl alcohol is necessary to stabilize the CR è me. The best result was obtained as follows:

  1. Tarreer A (plastics) mortar and write down the weight.
  2. rub in the TARRED mortar salicylic acid with LCD and add 14 g starch. Rub on the hot water bath until the alcohol evaporates completely and add Betamethasone dipropionate. Mix.
  3. Heat the cooling ointment and 5% cetyl alcohol and add both together at a temperature of 70 ° C (at lower temperatures a previously grainy, dull CR è me was obtained by solidify the cetyl alcohol when merging).
  4. Add (3) Warm (70 ° C) to the powder up to 100 g and stir to cool.