To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Suppo breaks.

The powder completely sinks out and the suppository breaks through; There was also a pale yellow discoloration


  1. use water-free caffeine and make sure that it is very fine. Is usually roughly granulated; Best milling with coffee grinder.
  2. because of the large amount of solids I would recommend you a suppository mass with lowered melting point such as Witepsol H12 or Novata AB but is it available for the Officina? If not then I would rub the mixed powder mass with neutral oil (Miglyol) 5% on Total hoevelness. This will also give a small melting point reduction.
  3. in principle, it should be feasible with suppositories of 2 G; with 3 G you automatically get a supplementary improvement.