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Posted on: April 5 2016

Is there a formula for Diltiazem Suppos?

In the past, Nifedipine was incorporated into ointment and suppositories. Now becomes diltiazem. HCl also used to treat fissures, but what dose would be appropriate for Diltiazem Suppos? Should we be concerned about the Arrhythmogenic properties since the first pass effect of the liver is debiliged?


.   about suppositories with Diltiazem I can't find any information. Only about different types of ointments, gels and creams. The absorption of the latter will be lower for these forms. In suppositories IIS   A passage through the liver is not completely avoided. Thus, a portion of the gerorcoveted is metabolized. Normally the concentration used is 2% but from caution it may be advisable to start with 1% when administered in Suppositories