To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

We got a prescription with: Collargol solved 2% pro suppo I DT 20.

From the wording I understand that we need to get the Cameron in solution as much as possible.


I assume the availability of a suppository form of 3g, which is best suited for this composition. The composition then reads:
R/Collargol 60mg
glycerin 60mg
Water 60mg
Adeps solidus Jizz polysorbatum * Q.S.

PF 1 suppo dt XX

* Suppocire AS2X.

  1. preparation of the mixture Cameron/Glycerin/water

    In a cup with wide opening, sprinkle 2g Cameron on the mixture of 2g glycerin and 2g water. Mix with a spatula and allow to dissolve for 24 hours; Mix occasionally.

  2. Preparation of the suppositories

    weigh 3.8 g of the above mixture in a zetpilcast pan.
    Calculate the amount of suppository mass Y required for the preparation of 21 suppositories with below formula. For the displacement factor of the above mixture, use the value 0.65; Mm is the calibration value of your suppository form of 3g:

    Y = 21 x [Mm-(0.65 x 0180)]
    Melt the amount of Y in a pan at 40 ° C and add the melted suppository mass slowly to the starch casting pan under stir well. Pour the homogeneous mass into the suppository form under continuous mixing to keep the mass homogeneous. Allow to cool.