To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

What PEG mass use for suppositories for a child with chloral hydrate 1 gram?

If these suppositories are made according to the NF VI with a P.E.G. base in a ratio of 2.08 grams P.E.G. 1500 (or Lanogen 1500, the only P.E.G. 1500 base available at the wholesale) and 520 MG P.E.G. 6000, they are not sufficiently harsh.


Taking into account the fact that Lanogen is a mixture composed of equal parts PEG 300 or 400 and PEG 1500, one can calculate that the suppositories made according to the NF VI have the following composition:
PEG 400 1 G, PEG 1500 1 G and PEG 6000 0.52 g
if we have Erva n Assume that PEG 1500 consists of 6 parts PEG 400 and 4 parts PEG 4000 gives this total: PEG 400 1.6 g, PEG 4000 0.4 g and PEG 6000 0.52 g. With the "pure" PEG 1500 we get as composition: PEG 400 1.2 g , PEG 4000 0.8 g and PEG 6000 0.52 g
with a lower amount of PEG 400 and a larger amount of fixed PEG & #039; s will give the last composition firmer suppositories. If PEG 4000 is not available, 1.32 G PEG 6000 can be used.