To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

A prescription mentions the processing of Endoxan 50mg to capsules of 80mg cyclophosphamide.

Given the strong mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratoin nature of the substance, we are asking ourselves whether the same preparation may be made outside the hospital pharmacy and what safety standards we can then observe. For writer never had any questions about this from the Officina pharmacists.


You are of course at the right end. A dust extraction cabinet is prescribed for such work. I thought there were smaller models, which cost less, but they are less convenient to work in. But yes, always value for money.

you would of course be able to ask if you can make this preparation in a hospital pharmacy where you have a solid exhaust cabinet. But I think this is not necessary. After all, the risk will only be important if one has to make different preparations every day with this product. In the occasional preparation, the danger is minimal. And certainly when taking some precautions.

  1. The preparation is performed by a person of the male sex
  2. he wears a disposable mouth mask and gloves, possibly glasses.
  3. one tries to keep the dust formation at least.
  4. after the preparation, all the material used with hot water is well washed